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Event Information 


Address: Castlebay Community Centre, 187a Mountjoy Road, Dungannon, Co Tyrone, BT71 5DY


Online Entrance Fee

5km - £15* 

10km - £20*

Walk - Donation

*Online purchases are non refundable but are transferable - please use the contact us to let us know.



Online and pay on the day from 9am closing at 10:00am

Walk does not require registration 


Chipped Timing

5km and 10km runners will receive a numbered bib with a timing chip incorporated, to be worn on the front. 


Minimum Age**

5km - 11yrs and older

10km - 16yrs and older

Walk - Children to be supervised by an adult or guardian

**The race and walk events take place on public roads which will be supervised but not closed to traffic.


Race Start Times

10km starts at 10:15am

5km starts at 10:20am

Walk starts at 10:22am

Refreshments will be available in Castlebay Community Centre after the races. 

Parking available at Castlebay Community Centre and at the grounds of Brocagh Football Club.

Water Stations will be available at the Start / Finish line and at the following distances:
5k Run - 1No. station- At the 2.5km mark

10k Run - 3No. stations - App 2km mark, App 4km mark & App 7km mark


Toilet facilities are available in Castlebay Community Centre and at Club House.

Change and shower facilities available at Club House.


Cash prize awards will be presented in Castlebay Community Centre




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